7 Tips to Help You Stay Productive at Home
With the rapid spreading of COVID-19, and more and more people either on self-quarantine or practicing social distancing, many of us are working from home. While working from home definitely has its perks – no commute! – there can also be some challenges when it comes to motivation and productivity. Here are 7 tips to help you get through this time of isolation.
- Keep a routine
If you get up every day and shower or workout, continue to do that. Don’t wake up 30 min before your first call and plan to rock it as is.
- Create boundaries
Talk to your friends, family and roommates about what you need to stay productive. Create a plan before there is a fight. Even if you don’t live with anyone, friends and family will stop by – say “no” create boundaries.
- Go for a walk
Going for a walk around the blog and getting some fresh air and new scenery will allow you to not feel like the walls are closing in. If you have a dog, they will thank you for this too. Just be sure you stay at least 6 feet away from people at all times.
- Set daily goals
Make sure that you know what has to be accomplished that day and things you need to start working on. Write it down, and make a plan to get it done. This way, you don’t get distracted cleaning the whole house, just to realize you lost track of time and need to stay up late to get your work done.
- Have a project that is yours
This is mainly to keep you sane when you need time away from the people you live with. We all need space and alone time.
- Schedule Breaks
Schedule in your 15 minute breaks and your lunch break, then take them in their ENTIRETY! Get some cleaning done, go for a walk, or just sit for a few minutes. Just because you are working from home does not mean you shouldn’t take your normal breaks like you would if you were in the office.
- Stay Social
Video chat a colleague. Have video meetings. Do something social that helps you keep team morale, while still staying safe.
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