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Stay informed about your financial health


4 Reasons to Consider a Life Insurance Policy

4 Reasons to Consider a Life Insurance Policy

Buying a life insurance policy is something that many people push off, sometimes until it is too late. For many people, the thought of buying life insurance means thinking about their death, which is something that most people wish to avoid. Life insurance is not...

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Tax Day for Individuals is Extended to May 17th

Tax Day for Individuals is Extended to May 17th

The U.S. Department of the Treasury is delaying the April 15th deadline to file and pay taxes until May 17th, giving individuals and businesses another month to file and then pay the government what they owe. The IRS will be providing formal guidance in the coming...

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March Madness—Stock Market Edition

March Madness—Stock Market Edition

March Madness: Stock Market Edition LPL Research share their “Final Four Factors” for the stock market in 2021 in this week’s Weekly Market Commentary, available at 1 p.m. ET. Daily Insights U.S. stocks open little changed as reopening theme continues to dominate....

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Work with Certified Industry Professional

Jerrí Hewett Miller CFP®, RICP, BFA


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