Cyber Security Best Practices

Unfortunately, in today’s digital world, fraud, identity theft, and online scams that target your finances pose significant challenges for us all.
However, armed with knowledge, vigilance, and a healthy dose of caution, you can minimize risks and stay safe online.

Let’s start with the list below of best practices when it comes to protecting your cyber security.

Pay attention to SPAM
We’ve all received emails that are obviously fraudulent. Others, however, appear to be legit.

The best advice with SPAM is to ignore the email. It may contain links that ask for personal information. The link could be malware, which might provide the spammer with access to sensitive files on your computer.

SPAM is also becoming more prevalent via text or instant messaging. Have you ever received an unsolicited text from a major corporation?

Maybe it appears to come from Amazon, FedEx, or a well-known corporation.

Think before you click on a link. Download filtering tools and anti-virus software, both for your computer and smartphone.

Stay Diligent on Social media
Have you received a brief instant message from a Facebook friend that’s worded in a way that doesn’t reflect your friend’s personality but happens to include a link? If so, their account was probably hacked. Confirm by contacting your friend through another platform.

Have you received a friend request from an established friend on Facebook?

Before accepting the friend request, talk to your friend and make sure it’s legitimate. Some folks have more than one profile on Facebook.

Watch for online scams
Some scams impersonate official government websites such as Social Security or the IRS.

For starters, the IRS doesn’t send unsolicited emails and won’t discuss tax account information via email or use email to solicit sensitive financial and personal information from you. The IRS initiates contact with taxpayers via regular mail.

Social security scams are also a growing problem. If there is an issue, Social Security will generally send you a letter. Callbacks occur only if you’ve requested one.

Just hang up the phone or ignore the email. That seems obvious, but fraudsters wouldn’t be spending time fishing for cash if these scams didn’t work.

Dodge identity theft
Collect your mail daily and review bank statements on a regular basis.

Install and keep anti-virus software updated. This not only applies to PCs. Apple products aren’t immune from malware and viruses either.

Create unique and complex passwords for each account. A good password manager program can easily assist you.

Consider two-factor authentication. When you log into an account, a code will be sent to your phone or email that you must input before you can access the account.

Final thoughts
One can’t be completely safe online. But if you are proactive and take the necessary precautions, you greatly reduce your odds of becoming a victim.

Many of the ideas we suggest may seem elementary. But in the moment we open that email, text, or answer the phone, our guard may be down.

As always, here at Wealth Horizon, Inc, your personal and financial information will remain strongly protected.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions when it comes to cyber security.

Original source: Horsesmouth


Work with Certified Industry Professional

Jerrí Hewett Miller CFP®, RICP, BFA


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