Holiday Greeting – What Do You Know About Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving traditions aren’t quite as straightforward as the elementary school plays about Pilgrims and Native Americans sharing a feast would have us believe. suggests that’s because Thanksgiving is, “…an invented tradition. It doesn’t originate in any one event. It is based on the New England puritan Thanksgiving, which is a religious Thanksgiving, and the traditional harvest celebrations of England and New England and maybe other ideas…”1
See what you know about Thanksgiving by taking this quiz:
1. Where was the first Thanksgiving in America?2, 3
a. San Elizario, Texas in 1598
b. Berkeley Plantation in Virginia in 1619
c. Plymouth Plantation in Massachusetts
d. All of the above, possibly
2. Which of the Founding Fathers thought the turkey should be the national bird of the United States?1
a. George Washington
b. Thomas Jefferson
c. Benjamin Franklin
d. John Adams
3. Which department store was the first to sponsor a Thanksgiving Day parade?1
a. Macy’s
b. Gimbels
c. Marshall Field’s
d. Wanamaker’s
Whether it’s invented or not, we enjoy the tradition! What’s better than feasting, football, family, and gratitude? We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!
1. D – All three claim the original event.
2. C – Benjamin Franklin.
3. B – Gimbels.
This material was prepared by Peak Advisor Alliance. Peak Advisor Alliance is not affiliated with the named broker/dealer.
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