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LPL Research

Peering into 2024

Peering into 2024

What are we expecting from the markets in 2024? Let’s take a look. Expect surprises. No one can accurately see into the future. As we saw in 2023, expect the unexpected. We believe that having a diversified portfolio is the best way to protect yourself against market...

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Treasuries: Who’s Buying and Why It Matters | Weekly Market Commentary | February 20, 2024

Treasuries: Who’s Buying and Why It Matters | Weekly Market Commentary | February 20, 2024

As the Federal Reserve (Fed) continues with its Quantitative Tightening (QT) program, questions abound regarding the Treasury Department’s expanding funding needs. The QT program is designed to reduce the Fed’s balance sheet — now $7.7 billion down from $9 billion — after Treasury notes (mostly) were bought after economic concerns intensified during the COVID-19-related pandemic. Households and, perhaps surprisingly, foreign investors have been buyers recently, and with the amount of Treasury supply coming to market, both will need to keep buying.

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Outlook For U.S. Economy Continues To Brighten | Weekly Market Commentary | February 12, 2024

Outlook For U.S. Economy Continues To Brighten | Weekly Market Commentary | February 12, 2024

When we wrote the annual outlook last November, the data was mixed. Some metrics hinted at emerging cracks in the economy while others suggested the growth trajectory in capital markets and the economy had legs. So, the variety of the data produced the narrative that business activity in the New Year would grow on an annual basis but experience some bumps in the first half of the year. Now, enter the revisions.

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Jerrí Hewett Miller CFP®, RICP, BFA


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