LPL Research

Will The January Barometer Come Through? | Weekly Market Commentary | February 5, 2024
Yale Hirsch, creator of the “Stock Trader’s Almanac”, first discovered this seasonal pattern back in 1972, which he called the January Barometer and coined its popular tagline of ‘As goes January, so goes this year.’ Here, we assess the likelihood that this popular stock market adage delivers more gains for investors this year. The weight of the evidence leans toward yes, as we explain.

Is Too Much Optimism Priced In? | Weekly Market Commentary | January 29, 2024
On traditional valuation measures, valuations do appear high and it does seem reasonable to expect more moderate stock market returns going forward. Here we walk through several different stock valuation approaches to get a more complete picture and even make the case that they aren’t as pricey as they look.

Why an Estate Plan is a Crucial Piece of Your Financial Plan
While many find it anxiety-provoking to think about, creating a legally binding plan to distribute your assets after your death ultimately provides you with peace of mind. While we encourage you to sit down with a legal professional, we also want to provide some...
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Will History Rhyme? A Fed Pause Has Been Good For Fixed Income | Weekly Market Commentary | May 22, 2023
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Jerrí Hewett Miller CFP®, RICP, BFA
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